Internetpräsentation Studierendenwerk Trier, Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts (AöR)

Frequently asked questions


  • How long is the waiting time in the studios?
    Here is a link to the current waiting times

  • Can I have a look at my room in the gated community before moving in?
    As the places are usually rented up to the last day before the new arrival, a tour organised by us is unfortunately not possible. You can take a look at the dormitories on your own initiative; perhaps even your previous tenant has nothing against a short visit.
    In addition, the study centre offers interested applicants the opportunity to “PROBEWOHNENS.” Further information can be found at: “Wohnen auf”

  • How is the allocation of dormitory spaces carried out?
    In the residential complexes Martinskloster and Tarforst, the allocation is mainly based on social considerations. Preference is given to disabled students, students with children, foreign students and students who receive funding under the BAföG.  Students who do not receive a BAföG can also be accommodated in the Kleeburger Weg, Olewig and Petrisberg housing estates. The buildings VII and VIII in the residential complex Tarforst, as well as the residential complex Enercase (buildings IX and X of the residential complex Tarforst) are open to all students.
    The allocation of dormitory places within each group is done in the order of the applications received.

  • How long can I stay in the dormitory?
    Due to the small number of places, the duration of residence in the residential complexes is limited to 8 semesters.

  • What’s the deposit for?
    The deposit is a security that must be provided before the conclusion of the lease. We will inform you of the exact terms (account number, amount) with the final confirmation of the dormitory accommodation.The deposit is non-interest-bearing (according to 551 para. 3 BGB) and will be refunded approximately ten weeks after the end of the lease – provided that there are no claims on our part.

  • What should I do if I don’t need the dormitory space after all?
    Any withdrawal from the application or any return of an already promised dormitory space must be notified to us in writing as soon as possible. Telephone cancellations cannot be accepted. The notice periods specified in the contract must be observed.
    A form for the termination of the lease can be found here

  • Do I have to pay second home tax as a student?
    According to the decision of 13.05.2009 of the Federal Administrative Court Leipzig (Az: BVerwG 9 C 6.08 and 7.08), the use of students is unrestrictedly permitted. In addition, the Federal Administrative Court makes it clear that even BAFÖG recipients are not to be exempted from the general duty on second homes. Furthermore, the Federal Administrative Court states that there is no objection to the connection to the right to register.
    For further information please refer to the website of the City of Trier.

  • Do I have to pay GEZ fees as a student?
    Basically yes, the fee is due for the opportunity to use the numerous radio, television and online offers of ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandradio.  Everyone who is of legal age and has his own home has to pay this fee. For this, a registration with the contribution service is required.   Exemption is possible if the course is financed with the help of BAföG. The detailed rules can be found at:

    Attention: This exemption does not apply to other roommates in a shared flat. Only if all roommates receive BAföG and are therefore exempted themselves, the whole flat does not pay a radio fee. Article in English